Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Lesson 16 - Describing People

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to Online English!  This is our first lesson of the fall semester.  And of course it's a fun one.  Please take some time to welcome each other back.  

Also, let's try a new activity!  

In 5 sentences, please describe to your tutor your own appearance (容姿 yōshi) and personality (性格 seikakuand when you're finished, your tutor describes his/her own appearance and personality in 5 sentences.

Directions: Look at the charts 1-5 below.  Use these to help describe your appearance and personality.  

1. Face Shape

1. I have an oblong shaped face.

2. Shape of Eyes

2. I have almond eyes.

3. Hair Type 

3. I have hair similar to 2B.   And my hair color is dark brown.

4. Body Type

4. My body type is endomorph.

1. Personality Type

5. My personalty is introverted.

Here is today's Lesson PDF... click 👉 HERE

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