Monday, October 26, 2020

Lesson 19 - Making New Friends + Special Guest!

Hello everybody!

Today, we will have a fun and unique lesson.  Today's lesson is titled Making New Friends.  But in addition to today's lesson, we will talk with our special Zoom guest and friend.  We're going to have a special talk about international friendship. 👬👫 Please join us! 

Today's Special Guest & Friend: Taisei Nagai 

Friends: Kurt and Taisei - on a boat ride back from beautiful Samal Island (2018)

Paradise Island - Samal Island

Philippines + Japan: A Story of Friendship

Last week, (during Mike's Online English lesson,) Kurt talked about his memories of a Rissho student who visited MKD two years ago.  The student's name is Taisei Nagai, who is now a 3rd-year Kokusai Course student.  At the time Taisei visited the Philippines, he was a 1st-year student just like you!  Kurt, Maffy, Rona, Nathalie, and other MKD tutors and students met this adventurous student, and they all became friends.  Of course, they first met online during the Online English lessons, but they met each other in person in Davao City (at MKD) in 2018.  They now share true friendship and have made lifelong memories.  👐 
     adventurous: 冒険的 bōken-teki

Kurt sent the photos below, and we decided to post them on this blog.  These photos give you an idea of how fun it is in the Philippines 😀, and how wonderful the city and people of Davao really are.  Next, we are going to hear from the tutors and from Taisei about their friendship and their memories.

Friendship Photo Album

Let's let the tutors and Taisei talk about these photos and about their fun memories together.   Of course--all Online English students--PLEASE ask Taisei and your tutors many questions.

Photo 1 - Green Coffee 🍵

Photo 2 - People's Park - arch

Photo 3 - People's Park - statue 🎸

Photo 4 - People's Park - sign 🕊

Photo 5 - Night Market - group shot 🧀!

Photo 6 - Night Market - food stall 😋


Today's lesson PDF

This is today's lesson topic, Making New Friends...

To see or print today's lesson PDF, please click 👉 here.

Thank you - Salamat - ありがとうございました! 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Lesson 18 - Making a Reservation at a Hotel

Hi students!  

First, let's cover some key vocabulary.  

Instructions: MKD tutors, please cover the 6 vocabulary items below.  Practice pronunciation, meaning (Japanese & English) and synonyms.

        1. lodging: 宿泊 shukuhaku a place to sleep for the night, hotel, room

        2. specifically: 具体的には gutaitekini wa exactly, especially, particularly 

        3. accommodation/s: 宿泊施設 shukuhaku shisetsu hotel, inn, room

        4. book a room: 部屋を予約するheya wo yoyaku suru reserve a room, make a room reservation

        5. inn: 宿 yado hotel, lodge, hostel

        6. typically: 通常 tsūjō usually, commonly, often

Today we are are going to talk about lodging.  We will practice making reservations, specifically, hotel reservations.  But, before we start, let’s talk about some of the ways young people book a room for the night.  Let’s compare what accommodation options young people in the Philippines have, and what young Japanese people have.  What seems clear is that young travelers from all over the world have at least one thing in common, and that is their smartphones!  Of course, booking a room anywhere in the world can be done on any smartphone, anytime!

In the US and Europe, young travelers (especially students) want to get the cheapest lodging possible.  And so young Americans and Europeans typically stay at the following places 👇

Instructions: MKD tutors, please ask Rissho students to read each of the 6 following accommodation options.  Briefly talk about each type of lodging.  Do you have these lodging options in the Philippines?Japan?  What do you think about them?

1. AirBnB: AirBnB is a global app for finding places to stay the night.  Often, people can reserve AirBnB rooms much cheaper than they can at traditional hotels. 


2. youth hostel: Hostelling International has a long history of providing low-cost accommodations around the world.  There is a Hostelling International Japan organization, and there are youth hostels in the Philippines, too (click here).  To book a room or a bed at a hostel, you may need to become a Hostelling International member.  Some hostels ask you to bring your own bedsheets, too.  Hostels are great places to meet new friends from all over the world.

3. guest house: In Japan, in recent years, guest houses have become very popular.  They are all over Japan and all over the world.  For example, there is one very nice (and cheap) guest house in Kamakura called Kamejikan.  The Japanese owner--Sakurai San--was a global backpacker when he was young, and opened Kamejikan about 15 years ago.  Sakurai San welcomes travelers from all over the world.  When you visit Kamakura, please try to stay with Sakurai San.

 👈 Sakurai San

4. backpacker lodge: There are many backpacker lodges all over the world and they are similar to youth hostels.  Backpacker lodges are very popular with young travelers in Southeast Asia.  They are much cheaper than hotels, and they are great places to meet other young travelers.  Backpacker lodges also offer various tours and activities.  They are cheap and fun.

5. YMCA: Everybody knows the famous "YMCA" song, and maybe Kurt can sing it for you 😏, but did you know it's fun to stay at a YMCA in Japan, Philippines, and all over the world...?  Check out their Japan English website here or their Japanese website here.  

6. couch surfing: Couch surfing is maybe not for everybody, but it is a very cheap lodging option.  In fact, it's free!  A couch is another word for sofa, and "surfing" means to do something for free.  So basically, when you "couch surf," you sleep on the sofas of strangers for FREE!  Of course, the strangers may become your friends.  And of course, you can offer your couch to strangers, too.  It sounds scary, but young people actually do it!  There is a website here if you want to find out more about couch surfing.  Or here is a fun video of a young couple couch surfing in Kumamoto here.

Ok... next, let's go on to today's lesson.  

This is Lesson 18 - Making a Reservation at a Hotel 👉 here.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Lesson 17 - Giving Directions

Hello everyone!

Today we will learn to ask and give directions in person.  These days, everybody has a smartphone (and Google Maps, so maybe we think we do not need to ask people for directions.  But imagine you lost your smartphone, or your phone battery is dead, or you have a weak signal (弱い電波 yowai denpa).  In such cases, when Google or Siri are not available, we must ask for or give directions in person.

Warm Up!

Rissho students, please give your tutor directions from Haneda Airport to Rissho!

Imagine: Kurt, your MKD tutor, will visit us at Rissho.  Kurt will arrive at Haneda Airport.  Please give him directions to our campus.  He will take the 13:51 train from Haneda and he will arrive at Ōsaki Station at 14:15.  You will meet Kurt in front of Rissho University, Building 11 at 14:23.

Below is Kurt's travel itinerary (旅行予定 ryokō yotei) from Google Maps:

Step 1: Tell Kurt how to get from Haneda to Ōsaki Station by train.  

Note: Kurt will take the Keikyu Airport Line (and Main Line) to Shinagawa Station.  At Shinagawa Station, Kurt must transfer to the JR Yamanote Line.  Please give careful directions 😊

Step 2: Next, tell Kurt how to walk from JR Ōsaki Station (West Exit) to Rissho 
             University, Building 11.  Use the maps, photos, and information 
             below to give good directions to Kurt.  Good luck!

                                            👆JR Osaki Station, West Exit

                    👆Google Map

👆Rissho University, Building 11 (front entrance)


To get today's lesson PDF, please click 👉 here.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Lesson 16 - Describing People

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to Online English!  This is our first lesson of the fall semester.  And of course it's a fun one.  Please take some time to welcome each other back.  

Also, let's try a new activity!  

In 5 sentences, please describe to your tutor your own appearance (容姿 yōshi) and personality (性格 seikakuand when you're finished, your tutor describes his/her own appearance and personality in 5 sentences.

Directions: Look at the charts 1-5 below.  Use these to help describe your appearance and personality.  

1. Face Shape

1. I have an oblong shaped face.

2. Shape of Eyes

2. I have almond eyes.

3. Hair Type 

3. I have hair similar to 2B.   And my hair color is dark brown.

4. Body Type

4. My body type is endomorph.

1. Personality Type

5. My personalty is introverted.

Here is today's Lesson PDF... click 👉 HERE