Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Lesson 11- The Future


Sorry, I had some computer problems.  I will just post this graphic I made.

What's the name of this manga?  Do you know?  What's is about?

Language note: 

The expression, "What are you doing tomorrow?" is standard English.  But did you know, there are many more synonymous (同義語) expressions for this expression?

These expressions below ALL mean the same thing.

Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S                                               A  N  S  W  E  R  S

What're you gonna do tomorrow?                           I'm gonna do my homework all day.

What do you have going on tomorrow?                   I have 4 Zoom lessons.

What'da ya got goin' on tomorrow?                        Oh, I'm just hanging out at home.

What's up (with you) tomorrow?                             Oh, I'm gonna go shopping.

Note: These are all very casual expressions.  You can use them with friends, but they are not used in business English 😉

Here is our new lesson PDF.  Click here.


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